Because You Can Not Represent Average Americans,
If You Are Not An Average American.

Corey Reid at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Man & Woman of the Year Dinner

A Word From Corey
February 11, 2023
The foremost responsibility of a United States Senator is to represent the will of the people and average American, by voting when congress is in session. I have found it increasingly difficult to believe that most politicians, especially those on the federal level, can actually represent the “average American” because they don't understand what that means. Every election cycle I see ads from politicians that have more money than anyone I've known claiming to come from hard backgrounds, usually they talk about their parent's hardships. I don't believe they understand the problems facing the lower-middle class in 2022 (let's be honest when you earn $40,000 or less a year, problems are much bigger than when you make $400,000.)
I was inspired to run for office after spending the last two years seeing hypocritical elected officials effectively shutting down my life, and ending the livelihoods of myself, my friends, and associates while ensuring that it effected their lives minimally if at all; I feel that as a Bartender on the Las Vegas strip and a member of Union Local 165 for over a decade I have had an unique opportunity to talk to people from all over the world and from all walks of life and understand their points of view. I feel that this experience of having a decade's worth of locals, tourist, and convention attendees who work every profession imaginable has given me their completely unfiltered opinions on past and current policies and events. This is what makes me qualified to represent the average American, because I am and know average Americans.